Collecting rejection letters, so I put my shit here.



An understanding struck 

Between hell and water bound 

For little matchstick houses,

Stubborn sentinels on the beach. 

The big one buckles its knees 

Prostrate on the southern banks

Of little blue corners of the human spread,

That fold beneath its weight. 

The dark-eyed Florida man 

Weeps into the headline: 


And the babies bubbling cries

Leak from broken seashells 

Sold by brown hands in distant shops.

Why should we bow our heads to the wind? 

Turn our pity over to the nearly dead

No closer to moribund than they were before.

These same creatures with flashing eyes 

Through the carbon-collared smoke 

Of someone else’s spaces slowly burning 

To bring to ours the fleeting light.

Why should we pay to this our minds 

Otherwise locked in two-way mirrors,

When before we saw nothing

Of the man combing through the sticky sand,

Of the little brown hands cupping the hurricane seed.

Brothers: Unfinished

Small Sorrows III