Predation - (Hugo, Part I)
You, sardonic neophytes, stroking the bare of the bathroom wall
With your names, supple and musky, in pawing strokes,
Threads of bile and balsam between the tiles
Of a space meant for men and kept by boys
You, meant for larvic lust to ripen
Here where his tender joints outstretch in time
For stereoscopic granules of your raw cheeks and callow jaws
To burn waxen negatives against his backlit, blistered eyes
You, as fleshless virgins, have left this man in his husk,
Seething nitrogen seeds from the root, drowning
Through the filtered traps of your veiled gaze
Meant, once to protect, and twice to ignite
And I, through bloodied sun spots, front and center
A knot in a filament of many, hands sewn across time,
With mouthfuls of your venomous wake corroding the wire shot through
Him that you harrow with raking siren songs,
Am silenced by your sound.